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Parastina Surge ya MYL1-100: Parastina we ya dawî li dijî hêzê

Dîrok: Mar-21-2025

Di cîhana dîjîtal a zû ya îro de, pêbaweriya pergalên elektrîkê krîtîk e. Parêzerê Surge My1-100


The MLY1-100 is more than just a surge protector; Ew amûrek sofîstîke ye ku modên dualî yên parastinê peyda dike: moda hevbeş (MC) û moda cihêreng (MD). This two-layer approach ensures your electrical system is protected from direct and indirect lightning strikes, as well as other transient overvoltage events that can interrupt operations and damage equipment. With the MLY1-100, you can rest assured that your power supply is protected against the unpredictable characteristics of surges.



Ewlehî û lihevhatinê pêşengên pêşîn bûn di sêwirana My1-100 de. This surge protector complies with GB18802.1 and IEC61643-1 standards, ensuring it meets the highest industry performance and reliability benchmarks. By choosing the MLY1-100, you are investing in a product that not only protects your equipment but also complies with international safety regulations. Vê sozê ji kalîteyê û ewlehiyê ji bo karsaz û kesayetan hilbijartinek pêbawer dike.



+86 13291685922
Email: mulang@mlele.com